

Herbal Medicine

Fire Cupping
Cupping moves stagnation through the use of suction. Flames are placed in glass cups to create the vacuum, then are placed in areas of the shoulders, back, or legs. In TCM, the cups pull “old” and “stagnant” blood to the skin’s surface for clearing, allowing new and healthy blood to flow through muscles and organs, creating an environment for healing. This works great for sports injuries, as they help to separate muscle and fascia, allowing “knots” to be worked out.

Moxibustion is a therapeutic practice of herbal healing. Dried leaves of mugwort called “Aiye” or “Moxa” are burned on or near the skin. It is 100% natural and safe. What is unique about this therapy is that this herb burns the hottest of all other herbs, without combusting! This allows the therapeutic heat to reach deep down into the tissue.

Gua Sha

Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy is a thoughtfully targeted method of administering nutraceutical and homeopathic solutions via acupuncture points.
Minimally invasive anti-aging protocols use homeopathic injections superficially on the face — this is a refreshing alternative to facelifts or botox, which can be risky and possibly have negative side effects.